This is the real deal! I bought a YSL Sac de jour in a smaller size of an authentic I already own. I recommend the croc embossed leather in black it is a mirror image of the original leather. It is nearly identical in every other detail as well. The bag did have an incredibly strong chemical smell but after a few days it dissipated. This was my very first rep purchase and I’m so glad I went with DD on recommendation from The Purse Queen. I’m already planning my next order!
Luxury L.
I bought myself a medium college YSL bag after browsing the website for a while and reading the reviews and I’m so glad I did that. Emily is such a friendly seller and she responded to all my questions in a prompt time. The bag is amazing, same spics like original, weight, high, depth, width. The leather is soft as the auth. I’m so happy with my purchase.
Nada S.
I purchased 6 bags so far and I can’t believe the quality it’s exactly the same as the original, I own a real LV and I can say there is absolutely NO difference.
I honestly can’t believe it’s a replica.
My heart jump out of my chest every time when I receive my order for the amazing leather finishing metal wear and even the stitches of my brand new bag I’m addicted to designer discreet.
Attached my latest purchase
I was pleasantly surprised with the high quality handbag which I received. Also the service was excellent from the beginning till the end. Because it was the first time I placed and order, I was a little anxious. However, as the person who looked after my order was always polite and kind, it turned out to be a really nice online shopping experience. Highly recommended!
Marie K.